Enlit Asia 2023

November 14th - 16th, Jakarta (Indonesia)


The Event

Enlit Asia is the annual conference and exhibition dedicated to the Asian context and energy sector. This year’s edition, Enlit Asia 2023, took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, from November 14 to 16. As the largest country in ASEAN, Indonesia accounts for around two-fifths of the region’s energy consumption.

The choice of this year’s Enlit Asia 2023 was justified since the Indonesian energy sector is already adding more renewables in order to meet the increasing demand, which tripled between 2015 and 2030. Furthermore, Indonesia will achieve 23% renewable energy use by 2025, and 31% by 2050.​ The next edition, from October 8 to 10, will take place in Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia. 

The Booth

Gridspertise was a Bronze Sponsor to the event and presented its cutting-edge solutions at Booth No. 501, Area 36.

Grid Automation Management Solutions 

In order to constantly improve grid resilience, to ensure stability and reliability, we propose our Grid Automation Management Solutions, to deal with any interruption to the service in a rapid and effective way. This part of the stand will showcase the Quantum Edge® device (QEd), which digitalizes essential grid activities, boosting the agility of secondary cabins. Grid Automation plays a crucial role in the ASEAN region, where strong growth in power consumption and distributed generation is expected. 

End-to-End Metering Solutions 

We recently reached a very important milestone with the deployment of 100mln smart meters all around the world. Here we will present a number of latest generation smart meters and software solutions such as the Head-End System (HES) and the Meter Data Management System (MDMS). Using these tools you can manage electricity demand in the most efficient way and reduce technical losses, thanks to real-time monitoring of grid parameters. 

They are ideal solutions for countries that are accelerating digitalization while at the same time grappling with inefficiencies that lead to significant electricity losses.  

is where we unveiled a new cutting-edge solution: Grid Automation Management!
Find out more about our solutions, here.

The Conferences

Last year’s edition gathered more than 11,000 attendees from more than 50 countries around the world. 

At Enlit Asia 2023, our company also participated in two speaking sessions:

- Our Chief Commercial Officer, Santiago Cascante, participated at the event's Summit Session "Digitalization as the Key Enabler for Future-Proofing Grid Assets - Knowledge" on November 15th;

- On the 15th of November, Narcis Vidal, our Head of Sales for EMEA, participated at the Hub Session, discussing the important role of "Digitalization for a Flexible and Resilient Electric Future" at the Knowledge Hub.  

If you are interested in finding out more about our solutions, click here or contact us.

See you in Kuala Lumpur in 2024!

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