Smart Grid Forum LATAM

29th-30th of November 2022, Sao Paulo (Brazil) 



Smart Grid Forum Latin America aims to bring together power market operators to accelerate the sustainable introduction of new technologies and innovations in the energy services of Brazil and other South American countries.

This year, in its 14th edition, the summit focused on the theme of “Renewable Energy, Free Trade and Digitalization of Companies and Consumers, bringing new roles and challenges to agents”.

The entire electricity sector is experiencing significant changes on many levels, from energy sources to consumption, generation, transmission, and power distribution.

Renewable sources are proving to be increasingly competitive in light of recent technological developments. This is encouraging the decentralization of electrical systems, which requires investments in the digitalization of services.

All of these topics were discussed at this forum, which in previous years has seen the attendance of several senior local and international speakers as well as over 6,000 participants in its conference and exhibition.

Where and when did it take place?

The forum took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from November 29th to 30th, at the Frei Caneca Convention Center.

Our participation

What did we present at the event?

During this event, we displayed our range of solutions for the upgrading of electricity grids in South America:

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

We presented the Head-End System (HES), the Meter Data Management System (MDMS), and our ecosystem of smart metering and field devices. Specifically, these meters are a "slim" development of the standard version of the smart meter (Jobi-M) and are designed to combat the phenomenon of fraud (SMC) and misappropriation of electricity. By using hybrid communication technology (G3-PLC Hybrid) these meters can be set up in a centralized switchboard and in elevation, on distribution network pylons.

Grid Automation Management

We explained our Grid Automation Management Solution, which handles any service interruptions rapidly and effectively. We also presented and discussed the Quantum Edge® device (QEd), which digitalizes essential grid activities, boosting the agility of secondary substations. Digital Asset and Vegetation Intelligence

Our Digital Asset and Vegetation Intelligence is based on a Network Digital Twin® that creates a virtual replica of the electricity grid and the surrounding environment. This makes it possible to predict faults and enables interventions of predictive maintenance.

Enhanced Workforce Management

Our Digital Workforce Management is a set of tools to improve efficiency and reduce times in the field in the case of service interruptions. It consists of a series of applications to consult and navigate the electrical network and support prompt and secure interventions during outages.

Opportunities to learn about Gridspertise at the Latin American Smart Grid Forum 2022

We participated in the event as a Platinum Partner and presented our cutting-edge solutions in our 24-square-meter booth.

We contributed to the conference discussions with the following talks by our managers:

On Tuesday, November 29, Gridspertise's VP BD & Sales LATAM Bruno Cecchetti spoke on "How to digitize the grid to address the energy transition."

On the same day, Amadeu Macedo, Head of Technology Development Latam, spoke about "QEd - Quantum Edge® at the heart of the digital transformation of DSOs towards the energy transition."

If you are interested in find out more about our products and services, contact us.

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