

We offer end to end Cloud-Edge Platform solutions and services to accelerate the digital transformation of distribution grids. 

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Our Smart Meters, HES and MDM Systems allow DSOs to effectively manage electricity demand through real-time data monitoring and enable grid reliability.

They improve billing and revenue protection with fraud detection functions. The solutions also increase customer awareness on energy consumption, allowing more sustainable habits.


Smart Meters

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Gridspertise Suite

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Our portfolio boosts power grid intelligence up to the edge, allowing remote control and automation to effectively tackle power interruptions and outages, hence increasing service reliability and quality. 

It also empowers DSOs to operate the network of the future, through solutions for flexibility and distributed energy resources management.

MV Automation

LV Grid Operations

DER Integration



QEd - Quantum Edge® device

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In our labs situated in Italy, and Brazil, we test new solutions for flexible energy working towards the ambitious goal of decarbonization and a zero-emissions future.

Who we are

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