
Gridspertise Suite

A platform of software applications to simplify operations and services and increase the efficiency of the whole process.

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The Gridspertise Suite is the core of our Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI): an interoperable and adaptable platform designed for all types of Utilities, to simplify operations and services while increasing the efficiency of the entire process. 

Our platform is the underlying architecture of a digitalized network  based on the principles of:

- Modularity: different modules can be activated by configuration to provide different versions of the solution depending on the customer's needs, with minimal impact;

- Interoperability: enabling integration with Multi-Vendor and Multi-Technology meters, including PLC, RF and cellular technologies, as well as with DSO legacy systems;

- Scalability: replicable solution, from small pilots to massive roll-outs; 

- High security

- Real-time data processing.

Software Products

Our platform of software solutions for meter data management.

These solutions are responsible for remote device programming, reading, monitoring low voltage remote network and devices, "enabling" business as well as technological analysis and reporting.

They can be integrated with legacy systems of Power Grid Operators to support new and existing company processes.

Head End System

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MDM System

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Other products

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The Gridspertise Suite is currently deployed in more than 14 DSOs with 70 million meters under operation worldwide.

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