Gridspertise previews a new solution for medium voltage grid automation

At Enlit Asia, Santiago Cascante gave a preview of this universal module that is the perfect ally for DSOs to accelerate the grid digitalization.

Gridspertise recently previewed its new universal module for the medium voltage (MV) grid automation at Enlit Asia, the main event about the power scenario in the ASEAN region.

This software solution addresses the various challenges currently posed to the DSOs in terms of grid reliability, efficient fault management, and extended outages aggravated by climate events. Indeed, climate change increases the risk of outages due to frequency, severity and distribution of extreme weather conditions. In addition, the deployment of distributed energy resources (DERs), unpredictable accidents, manual fault detection, inadequate maintenance, and extreme temperatures (both high and low) can all threaten grid stability and represent challenges that DSOs need to tackle.

Detecting, isolating, and restoring faults is a time-consuming process, which can result in extended outages and increased operating costs. Furthermore, DSOs’ legacy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems often lack the advanced capabilities required for effective fault management, as well as self-healing automation and upgrading them requires high-priced investments. DSOs need a comprehensive solution that addresses these challenges by proactively managing faults and enhancing grid reliability.

Gridspertise’s new solution for grid automation management is a SCADA agnostic software module, meaning it smoothly integrates with any existing SCADA infrastructure to enhance any legacy system capabilities with advanced fault location and isolation, reducing the time required to initiate the automatic restoration process. With this solution, DSOs can make improvements on the operation, leverage the existing investment without costly replacement and avoid migration, as well as increase customers' satisfaction rates.

Providing either fast and slow Self-Healing Automation, this solution provides a comprehensive approach to fault management enabling DSOs to benefit from greater control, faster response times (up to less than one second) and the ability to provide uninterrupted power.

Lowering considerably the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) prevents financial losses and operational disruptions while optimizing grid management for utilities.  The latest software solution offered by Gridspertise thanks to the optimized fault detection and load management can minimize the stress on the MV equipment and extend its lifespan reducing maintenance costs. Among its other main features there are also its adaptability to different medium voltage networks and its scalability, from basic command sets to the aforementioned Self-Healing Automation.

This universal module for the MV was presented at the recent Enlit Asia because it fits perfectly into the ASEAN energy scenario, but it is really a global solution. Countries committing to energy transition, with a high penetration of renewables and growing energy demand, need a more flexible and resilient grid. The solution has already a real-world footprint as it has been tested within the DSOs belonging to the Enel Group.

As our Chief Commercial Officer, Santiago Cascante highlights: “Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) are among one of the main smart grid automation functionalities, and have become much more necessary as the complexity of the electrical distribution grid is increasing. The best way to improve power availability and reliability is to quickly determine fault locations, isolate them and more importantly, automatically restore power to the feeders”. The latest addition in Gridspertise’s portfolio is linked to our other solutions, such as the QEd, as Santiago Cascante explains: “Combining our Quantum Edge® device with our latest universal module for MV grid automation we offer a one-stop-shop solution that digitalizes the grid. A real accelerator for grid automation management”.

Scalable, flexible, customer friendly, this newest integration in Gridspertise’s portfolio projects our company in the future of grid automation making grid infrastructure more future-ready, and fit to meet the needs of DSOs, grid users, and end customers. 

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